Saturday, March 7, 2009

Kau yg Ku Sayang..

kau yg ku sayang..
kau yg ku cinta..
kau yg ku rindu..
kau yg ku......

Nape la sjk 2 mnjak ni asyik gaduh je ngn u..
de je yg i x puas hati...kdg2 i geram ngn sikap u yg sambil lewa..
makin lm de je yg x kna ngn u..

U..dh setahun kite knl..
I harap..lps ni tiada lg selisih fhm dan pergaduhan...
I Sayang U...

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Aku Bahagia...

Family ku tersayang

Salam..Wah..dh lm btl aku x mengedit blog ni..
Semalam aku blk kg...dekat je..sbb aku dh lm x balik...kalo balik...mst aku g KL...bosan la..penat plk tu..aku tensen sgt2..tensen smpi x bole nk wat kje kelmarin...tba2 rindu kt mak abah..rindu katil aku..abg aku..adik2 aku...aku rs sakit sgt dada thn rindu kat dieorg...sblm tdo mst nangis...heheheh....pastu semalam aku amik keputusan blk umah jap...hilangkn tensen...ubat rindu...bla aku blk tgk muke mak ayah aku...sejuk je hati ni...tensen pun hlg...senyum smpi ke telinga..heheheh...pastu mlm semlm ktorg tgk raja lawak sm2...aku x henti2 ngn mak ayah aku..abg aku..n apis...gelak smpi berair2 mata...klakar bkn maen...aku bahagia sgt semlm..dh lm aku x gelak cmni..alhamdulillah...w'pun semalaman sj...aku dpt hlgkn tensen aku...n bersemngat nk wat kje...mak n abah byk bg semngat kat aku...biarpun dieorg x bg secara dr segi tingkah laku...air muke...aku tau dieorg mendoakan kejayaan aku...aku bahagia...

Dgn restu n doa yg dieorg bg..aku yakin..segala urusan ku akn dipermudahkn...aku jg berdoa moga parents aku dipjgkn umur n dimurhkn rezeki...n moga ade kesempatan pd ku utk membalas segala jasa n pengorbanan mereka...aku sanggup menghabiskn hdp aku utk dieorg...sbb mak abah adalah segalanye utk aku...tanpa dieorg...sapa la aku...trm kasih mak abah...wahh...tb2 sebak plk rs...uhuhuh...

Bg aku keluarga aku adalah nyawa aku...bla slh sorg timpa masalah..aku juga terasa..aku sanggup berkorban pe sj tuk keluarga aku...biar pun aku yg ssh...dieorg bahagia..aku juga bahagia...tiada sape bole mengambil alih takhta familyku dlm hdp aku...hubungn darah..kekal selamanya...hanya family bole tolong family...biar gaduh cm ne sekali tetap family....Terima Kasih ALLAH krn menganugerahkn aku keluarga yg sempurna...alhamdulillah...aku bahagia....

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Love Song..i think so..

Just 4 U...

Love Song..

Head under water
and you tell me
to breath easy for awhile
the breathing gets harder
even I know that.

You made room for me, but it's too soon to see
if I'm happy in your hands.
I'm unusually hard to hold on to.

Blank stares at blank pages
no easy way to say this
you mean well, but you make this hard on me

I'm not gonna write you a love song,
'cause you asked for it,
'cause you need one.
You see,
I'm not gonna write you a love song,
'cause you tell me,
it's make or breakin this,
If you're on your way,
I'm not gonna write you stay.
If all you have is leavin'
I'm gonna need a better reason to
write you a love song, today.

I learned the hard way
that they all say things you wanna hear
My heavy heart, sinks deep down under you
and your twisted words,
your help just hurts
You are not what I thought you were.
Hello to high and dry.

Convinced me, to please you
Made me think that I need this too
I'm trying to let you hear me as I am.

I'm not gonna write you a love song,
'cause you asked for it,
'cause you need one.
You see,
I'm not gonna write you a love song,
'cause you tell me,
it's make or breakin this,
If you're on your way,
I'm not gonna write you to stay.
If all you have is leavin'
I'm gonna need a better reason to
write you a love song, today.

Promise me, you'll leave the light on
to help me see with
daylight, my guide, gone.
'cause I believe there's a way you can love me
because I say.

I won't write you a love song
'cause you asked for it,
'cause you need one.
You see,
I'm not gonna write you a love song,
'cause you tell me,
it's make or breakin this,
Is that what you wanted?
A love song
'cause you asked for it
'cause you need one?
You see,
I'm not gonna write you a love song
'cause you tell me
it's make or break, in this
If you're on your way,
I'm not gonna write you to stay.
If your heart is no where in it
I don't want it for a minute
Babe, I'll walk the seven seas
when I believe that there's a reason
to write you
a love song

One Step At A Time

I like this song..As he said...One step at a time..n mayb he was right..

One step at a time...
Hurry up and wait
So close, but so far away
Everything that you've always dreamed of
Close enough for you to taste
But you just can't touch

You wanna show the world, but no one knows your name yet
Wonder when and where and how you're gonna make it
You know you can if you get the chance
In your face as the door keeps slamming
Now you're feeling more and more frustrated
And you're getting all kind of impatient waiting

We live and we learn to take
One step at a time
There's no need to rush
It's like learning to fly
Or falling in love
It's gonna happen when it's
Supposed to happen that we
Find the reasons why
One step at a time

You believe and you doubt
You're confused, you got it all figured out
Everything that you always wished for
Could be yours, should be yours, would be yours
If they only knew

You wanna show the world, but no one knows your name yet
Wonder when and where and how you're gonna make it
You know you can if you get the chance
In your face as the door keeps slamming
Now you're feeling more and more frustrated
And you're getting all kind of impatient waiting